To Celebrate this 80 year old car,I Have to get out of the closet.
I have bought myself a 1932 Ford Roadster!
Right now it sits in a pile of parts, hidden in the states waiting to get home to me here in Sweden.
It needs alot of attention but it is an original ,one of 10.612 DeLuxe Roadsters ever made!
Its fantastic, this is a car thats been popular for 80 years and you can still find a car today in 2012.
Here is some info of the car:
In March 1932, Henry Ford introduced the first low-cost V8 engine ever produced. Bringing out a pioneering eight-cylinder low-priced car was a bold move in the midst of the most severe economic depression the nation had ever endured. But Henry Ford was determined to build a mass-produced V8, and the world was ready for it.
There would be 212,000 Model 18 Ford engines produced in 1932 and that was only the beginning.
Edsel Ford, Henry's son, styled the 1932 Ford car. This one-year-only model bore a marked resemblance to the Lincoln of the same year. Generations of car enthusiasts have admired the handsome, clean lines of the 1932 Ford. The Model B, with a 4-cylinder engine, was also available in 1932. Combined production of the Fours and V8s totaled just a bit more than 250,000 cars. Ironically, what would become one of the most desired Fords ever was originally one of the lowest production models ever.