Fuck yeah!
Last weekend I was at a garage party, what you normaly do is get wasted and go home.
I made a deal during the time I was wasted. And both I and Sibban remembered it the day after. Lucky me.
I traded from him a VL frame.
I have been searching for a VL frame for 2 years. Now I got it!
my plan is to build a wild knucklechopper of it. Lots and lots of chrome, including chromed frame.
I have a supercharger that was mounted on a 41 knucklehead earlier..I dont know if I dare to use it here? we will see.
I am one big step closer.
One funny thing is, this frame has been trough many of my friends garage floors.
Mats hedenstrand owned it first, then sold it to Nicke Svensson who sold it to Pete Begler who traded it with sebastian Toivonen who traded it with me!
My next problem is, what the hell am I suppose to use for front end? I have VL springer but thats original to the frame, I have my plans of using a 50´s triumph fork or a normal big twin springer...what an issue I have.