Wow. I dont even know where to start.
As allways, a great party!
I think the pictures tells the story. Lots of beer and good friends cant go wrong.
Without my buddys from Finland I would have been fucked on my back home.
They found a hole on a hose to my heater system so my engine was out of water. Thanks dudes!
All you Finnish guys i met this weekend. You rules!
There was a open fist fight between the clubs Demented VS Undertakers.
I think Josef should not fight when he´s drunk! Atleast not against Johan...or me. HA!
Wedgies rules. I own you 2 pairs of underwear man.
I met up with my buddy Oliver from Netherlands. He and his friend was on the road on their sportsters but they broke down in somewhere in germany. But they kept the spirit and came by rental car!
Better luck with your bike next year.
On the way back home on sunday we took company with some guys from Scrapers from belgium. I Hope you guys have a safe trip down to Bottrop!
One weekend goes so fast. Im allready looking forward to next year.
Then its the 10 year anniversary for Jokers car & bike show!
SvaraRaderawas great meeting you! see you next year!
SvaraRaderaWell if it wasn't for the 2 vs 1 the outcome may have been slightly different, but it is also against my moral sense to fight girls..