Keith weesner the well known hotrodder from Burbank choppers in Californa let a friend borrow his roadster and drive it to Mooneyes car show.
Keith´s own words:
So, yesterday morning Aaron Kahan got hit while driving my roadster to mooneyes, he's fine other than two cracked ribs and a lot of bruises, pretty miraculous for being thrown 65 feet onto concrete... Here's what the car looks like- again, Aaron is fine-
Körde förbi bara nån minut efter såg inget kul ut! Vad som därimot i kul e att alle e mer eller mindre ok, försökt muntra upp keith med lite fucker sticker's tror det funkade!
SvaraRaderaThat sucks, at least hes ok.
SvaraRaderaoh my gosh, but one thing important is you guys are still safe.
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